Websites, WP & IA

    The majority of the websites we have designed, many of which are shown in the Website Design Portfolio page, are WordPress sites. Many of the websites we have optimized for search engines were also WordPress (although we’ve SEOed many other technologies and CMS platforms). Jake Aull, principal, even wrote a book, WordPress SEO Success. Why? For starters a quarter of new websites today are WordPress – from small business to global corporation and major media sites. But that’s just the beginning – more on the advantages of WordPress below.

    First Step: Website Information Architecture (IA)

    A good website begins with good, strategic, usability architecture. We can set up the best website architecture for your business, brand and industry. And the right sitemap is vital not only for customer usability, but for search engine crawlability!

    Websites are one thing, but why WordPress?

    Say Your Cousin or Neighbor is a Blogger…

    He is set up to quickly and easily go in and post a new page or edit existing copy. He can easily drop in and re-size photos of his office or friends, or a logo or illustration. He puts in captions, sets headlines and bold italic text for emphasis. He can do all of this easily in minutes. It’s simple — and effective. Is this valuable? Absolutely! Not only for social media, but for search engine optimization. That’s right! Google loves blog content.

    So if someone can do all that with a free blog…

    Why Can’t You Do All That on Your Website?

    Well, with our WordPress websites, you can. You can get an integrated WordPress website, blog site or social site. You get a sharp, unique look to fit your brand across channels. Care to see an example of a WordPress site? You’re looking at one right now…

    Why WordPress?

    Let’s say you like your current website, but now you’re ready to update your “news” section on a regular basis. In a traditional HTML website, your web developer would have to integrate your new text. With WordPress, you can edit, add or delete images and text anytime you wish. Easily – by yourself. The screen shot below shows you how!

    Ease of use. More functionality. Expandable for the future.

    Go ahead – contact us — let’s do it together.









    WordPress screen shown above for client’s ease of publishing web page content (click image for larger view).