Finally – A Measurement Plan for Social Media Marketing

    I was fortunate enough last week to be a panelist in a webinar on Social Media Analytics put on by The Experts Bench. I enjoyed the discussion and was with some very knowledgeable co-speakers. A poignant topic, as so many like to think that social media ROI doesn’t exist, that it’s not measurable… Part of the problem here is that most social media marketing plans I’ve seen don’t address analytics until the end – when tactics are already being executed.

    About a quarter of the GSU Social Media Marketing and SEO course classes I teach are focused on web metrics and analytics. My primary tenants of social media measurement are as follows:

    • Social media marketing objectives must be identified upfront and should be in compatibility with overall digital marketing objectives (yet realizing that social media’s “engagement” factor makes for different goals and results).
    • A measurement plan should be formed simultaneously with the social media marketing plan and SEO plan – and there should be executive sponsor buy-in.
    • Social media KPIs should be identified upfront, aligned with the social media objectives and web marketing measurement overall.

    To begin with, here is my plan for upfront
    web exploratory research and monitoring identification:

    • Situation – e.g., online brand buzz has increased in recent months
    • Problem – e.g., brand is unaware of its online reputation
    • Measurement objectives – e.g., identify quantity and ratio of existing online “brand fanatics” vs. haters
    • Measurement questions – e.g., what tags (such as “love this brand”) and channels best fit our problem and objectives? 
    • Hypothesis – e.g., the brand has more social media promoters than detractors
    • Action Standard – e.g., a Net Promoter Score over 30% in Twitter
    • Measurement method & tool – e.g., NPS, Twitter and SAS

    And here’s my campaign/brand
    Social Media Measurement Plan template:

    • Campaign/Brand Overview & Objectives
    • Communications Calendar Overview & Consumer Journey
    • Tracking mechanisms – e.g., Webtrends tags, Google Analytics, Omniture Tags, social media monitoring, Twitter hashtags, etc
    • Diagnostic Metrics – e.g., CTR, Interaction Rate, Mentions
    • Success Metrics – e.g., ROAS, ROI, Conversion Rate
    • Dashboard – showing the key metrics help to understand the performance of the campaign.
    • Reporting Frequencies

    Follow those guidelines for upfront measurement strategy and the path should be clear and successful.

    For reference and additional reading, see my presentation slides for the webinar and my additional content, also see Amit Prakash‘s web measurement blog and Exploring Marketing Research by William G. Zikmund and Barry J. Babin.

    Have thoughts on what you read? Wish to discuss with me? Comment & connect with me!

    Jake Aull | Marketing Strategy | Social Media | Digital & Creative
    email | @jakeaull |