social media networking

    Social Media: Good or Bad for Society?

    These days we’re seeing more and more about the use of social media. Is it that bad? What were the positives again? For example – I’ve certainly read, like many people, about how Facebook causes insecurity by individuals seeing often only the positive highlights of other peoples’ lives & attempting to compare themselves to the


    Social Media & Violence in Today’s News Headlines

    I was honored to be invited to WSB-TV Atlanta’s Town Hall Meeting July 19, 2016. The focal topic named is violence in today’s headlines, and my requested role was to speak on the role of social media therein. Below are my own opinions gathered prior to that event as reflection and preparation. “Through our scientific


    Social Media: Time Sink?

    It should come as no surprise; the biggest cost of social media is time. And how to gauge how much to invest? Or how to get what you want with minimal time invested?


    The News from ‘Twitterville’

    I’ve been reading and getting much out of Shel Israel’s book Twitterville: How Businesses Can Thrive in the New Global Neighborhoods, which I recommend. Here are some of my takeways…


    Are you a Prosumer?

    Well the last several weeks in Atlanta, for social media advocacy, have been truly landmark, with many events. One of those events was an inaugural Atlanta Interactive Marketing Association Social Media SIG lunch-n-learn which I moderated. During that panel discussion, I discussed the role of the “prosumer” in Web 2.0 today…