Web 2.0

    What Makes Up the Worlds of Web 2.0 & 3.0?

    You’ve heard the terms Web 2.0 & 3.0, but perhaps uncertain of exactly what they mean or what constitutes them? Here are some lists of technological inventions and components to attempt to clarify: Web 2.0 is the technological backbone and inception of the world of social media. It’s made up of: • Podcasts • Blogs


    The History of Self-Planning Trips on Computer

    How did we plan trips long before GoogleMaps or TripAdvisor? Do you remember? Well the ultimate trip-planning devices I remember were the AAA TripTic (non-computer; books listing places & providing reviews). So using reviews to choose restaurants and hotels are not merely a social media invention! One of the properties defining “social media” is “self


    The History Behind Viral Sensations

    Our tendency is to think of huge viral video successes as being new and unprecedented. Take viral entertainment team Auto-Tune the News, of “Hide your kids, hide your wife” fame – in fact that very song/video (The Bed Intruder) has over 150 million views and 800,000 likes. They have their own YouTube channel with over


    What’s Best for Your Web Copy? Widgets or Pages?

    Many small businesses today are ditching their Web 1.0 static websites in favor of content management system (CMS) sites, such as WordPress websites (in fact I’m building three such websites for customers now). The functionality and widget capabilities in WordPress are attractive – yet they can often go overboard! Here’s what I would recommend for gauging when and how it’s appropriate to use a widget versus web page content display options:


    The Nature of Nurture Campaigns

    In the digital world of mid-2011, wading increasingly in Web 2.0 and mobile, how do more traditional approaches to web and email marketing apply? How to know what to throw out in yesterday’s trash and what to dust off for re-use? Mitch Myerson’s book, Mastering Online Marketing, is one of my preferred sources on the subject…