Georgia State University

    The Nature of Nurture Campaigns

    In the digital world of mid-2011, wading increasingly in Web 2.0 and mobile, how do more traditional approaches to web and email marketing apply? How to know what to throw out in yesterday’s trash and what to dust off for re-use? Mitch Myerson’s book, Mastering Online Marketing, is one of my preferred sources on the subject…


    A Semester in History…

    This week I teach my last class for Georgia State University’s first Social Media Marketing course, which I researched, wrote the syllabus for, and began teaching this January. I have to say it’s been great – much fun and a feeling of accomplishment – hopefully for my students as much as myself. I structured the class largely around team projects with new, actual social media channels promoting major brands as student “brand fans”…


    Are you a Prosumer?

    Well the last several weeks in Atlanta, for social media advocacy, have been truly landmark, with many events. One of those events was an inaugural Atlanta Interactive Marketing Association Social Media SIG lunch-n-learn which I moderated. During that panel discussion, I discussed the role of the “prosumer” in Web 2.0 today…