
    Websites with Error Pages Results in Google

    As part of my search engine marketing practice, when we talk to a new prospect, we do some digital analysis on the quality of their websites and search engine responsiveness before we provide a proposal. More and more these days I’m seeing websites with numerous errors, problems – and a great many of non-existent or


    How to Write SEO-Friendly Website URLs

    A common question in SEO is how to apply keywords to specific website section URLs and sub-page-level URLs. There are some parameters. Therefore, for SEO-friendly URLs, here are some tips to keep in mind: • Total URL should be less than 65 characters (100 characters at absolute max). • Use lower-case only URLs (for server,


    New Domain vs. Old Domain

    I’m getting SEO questions and project requests a lot lately on one theme. Here’s the question: So let’s say a company owns two domain names – A and B. The existing company site is on domain A and has good long-term google organic indexes, traffic, etc. But the company has changed brand names and is


    Some SEO Tips for eCommerce

    eCommerce sites can be heavily dependent on, and yet problematic for, SEO. Why, and what are good tips for solutions? The DB eCommerce sites are heavily dependent on databases. Yet Google prefers its content straight-up without iframes, barriers, feeds, etc. Yet for eCommerce, the DB is king. So the question is, what about your database


    Should I buy that .net domain?

    I recently had a client reach out to me, asking me if they should follow up on buying a proposed domain name (.net), from their domain name hosting provider (in this case Earthlink), to add to their existing, primary .com domain. It’s a basic, but a good and recurring question for businesses. So what to