Free Digital Marketing Tools You Should Know About

    Internet research. Competitive analysis. Project management. SEO. Social networking. Content collaboration and sharing. ..

    These are essentials for digital marketing today. And interestingly because of today’s freemium internet business models, there are more and more great free tools available to do these functions! And I don’t mean free trials with automatic credit card deductions after the first month – I mean entirely free basic plans offered (but you might have to dig around a bit to find these free plan options). Intrigued? Please spread the word and come hear me speak at the Atlanta Interactive Marketing Association Social Media SIG panel Tuesday July 12 11:30am at the Atlanta Fish Market (RSVP here)!

    Oh – you also want a list? Request I don’t be a tease? Very well – hence and without further ado – Jake’s list of great free tools:

    Google wordmark
    • SEO Book Tools and Toolbar (for keyword, site and competitive analysis, social reputation measurement and search; e.g., SEMRush, SEOMoz, etc.)
    • and (spy tools doing similar functions to above)
    • Google tools (Google Webmaster tools, Alerts, Analytics, AdWords; keyword analysis, monitoring and search)
    • Maps (Google, Yahoo and other geo-local tools)
    • HootSuite (social media dashboard, network management, stats and monitoring)
    • WordPress (blogs, websites, inbound/outbound link stats)
    • (URL shortener, click-thru stats, QR code generator and stats)
    • Basecamp (Project management software)
    • (social bookmarking, tags and subscriptions)
    • Digg and Technorati blog and content rating/sharing tools.
    • RSS readers such as GoogleReader I think are sorely underused.
    • Wikispaces for building and contributing to wikis.
    • SurveyMonkey for conducting marketing research and reporting.
    • Of course all those other common social sites… (Yelp, Google+, Tumblr, etc.)

    Those are what I can think of top-of-mind – but that’s definitely not all! Please share your favorite free tools – comment below!

    Care to read more about how to utilize these tools and more benefits? See my previous blog posts, such as The 24-Hour Mobile App Start-up and How to Beat Competitors via SEO Keywords & Free Tools.

    Want more on what you read? Comment and connect with me!

    Jake Aull | Digital Marketing | Social Media & SEO | Usability & Creative
    email | @jakeaull |