Copyright ©2025 · ZenFires Digital Marketing
Recently I’ve had clients asking me about the value of SEO and their online videos.
Let’s say you’re talking about doing TV and radio ads, or even just a corporate explainer video. If you have a low-cost factor to produce those, you should of course promote to clients via YouTube videos and podcasts. But the difference is, when we talk about client videos, we put them onto YouTube, SEO them there, pipe them into the website and blog about them, and sync with other Google channels for full SEO effect. The results are good because since Google owns YouTube and likes everything Google tied together – Google gives good impressions, traffic and SEO results. Even for audio-only, our video guy can convert to video file with imagery, then we go through the same process on YouTube and so on. So obviously there’s a difference between talking about how someone should have a YouTube presence vs. talking about how they can have YouTube videos and A/V files synced across social/web media and website to grow web traffic. Why not take it the extra mile to actually reap benefits beyond mere presentation?
Copyright ©2025 · ZenFires Digital Marketing