Copyright ©2025 · ZenFires Digital Marketing
I recently had a client ask me how should videos be treated (technically) on a website? It’s a common question – regarding hosting, etc. The answer is that you really should upload your videos to YouTube and then embed them on your website as well that way. Why?
1). YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine
2). It’s free
3). You get double coverage if the vids are on your site and YouTube
4). You get good free analytics
5). Probably also get more viewer commenting capabilities
6). It should be viewer-friendly on mobile, if your current tech is Adobe Flash Player, then it is not mobile-friendly
7). The more in bed you are with Google, the more Google and its search engine likes you. So since Google owns YouTube, it likes you using its vid player and should give you better search engine results on even for keywords unrelated to your videos.
We get great results for clients for video views and even website clicks, thanks to creating optimized video descriptions, optimizing them while placing in YouTube, syncing with other channels such as Google+ and integrating onto website. Remember – even YouTube videos can appear in the regular Google search engine results page – and stand out to the searcher at that!
Want to chat more about YouTube SEO? Let’s connect!
Copyright ©2025 · ZenFires Digital Marketing