Event on 2015 Trends in Digital Advertising

    I’m looking forward to heading up an AiMA panel discussion on January 22 in Atlanta on the topic of Predictions for Paid – Digital Advertising. Prominent speakers will shed great light on things to know for the new year in PPC and display ads. As Chair for the Atlanta Interactive Marketing Association Search Engine Marketing SIG for 2015, I have planned the event and will act as moderator. Here are sample questions that will be on the table for discussion with our bright panelists. Want to know the answers? Attend the event!
    • In 2015 how might we expect to see the common Digital ad spend in marketing mix versus other media?
    • For advertising, how do we expect the pies to be distributed differently, in Google vs. Bing, Facebook vs. other?
    • What will be the role of mobile? Integrated mix or separate spend allocations?
    • Focus on, and % of spend on, PPC vs. display?
    • Pretargeting meets Big Data meets Hypersegmentation?
    • Thoughts from mobile to wearables and application to advertising
    • What will “Sponsorship” look like for 2015? Or “Native Advertising”?
    • Will paid advertising in social media grow or decrease against search engine and website ads?
    • Will Yahoo! and all of its purchased ad platforms make a dent this year? 
    • Should I be looking into programmatic buys?
    • And what about video…

    The panelists will represent IHG, Tank and Nebo digital agencies. Looking forward to it!
    -Jake Aull, Chair, Atlanta Interactive Marketing Association Search Engine Marketing SIG 2015