Take Aways from Digital Marketing for Business

    Had a great time speaking (on my book WordPress SEO Success) at the Digital Marketing for Business conference in Raleigh! Most enjoyable was getting great insights from other speakers:

    • Even though Wikipedia is great for web search results and visits (5th most visited site online), it is of course setup with noFollows meaning search engines won’t attribute backlinks for you.
    • Dead links are a great way to start article writing on Wikipedia (to become a Wikipedian). Tool to find dead links on Wikipedia: wikigrabber.com
    • For an Instagram campaign, Virgin Atlantic put their airlines attendants in hockey jerseys during the week of Stanley Cup, and did a hashtag campaign for #ABreathOfFreshAirline.
    • Try SproutSocial for database of social media image size dimensions.
    • Look at Pixlr.com for image sources, cropping, sharing, etc.
    • Long-form LinkedIn posts only post from individual accounts – but also allow easy editing for image attribution (e.g., image copyright attribution from Flickr).
    • Long-form LinkedIn posts allow for “followers” as opposed to exclusively traditional LinkedIn “connections.”
    • You can research hash-tag searches for content topics for LinkedIn long-form posts to capitalize on.
    • LinkedIn has “Twitter cards,” allowing for previews and image display in Twitter when Tweeting about LinkedIn long-form posts.

    All words worth remembering!