Twitter & Google

    Many people know that Tweets come up in Google! Which can help your brand-name SEO and overall digital footprint. So, here’s direction that should help with getting your Twitter account to come up in Google:

      – When you Tweet with links, use Twitter’s URL shortener instead of another.
      – You should follow as many (quality) other people in Twitter as possible.
      – The goal with the above is to get them to follow you and retweet you!
      – Use trending hashtags in your Tweets.
      – Make sure you’re Tweeting directly from within Twitter.
      – To elaborate on above, don’t setup your Twitter account to post automated Tweets from your Facebook posts or similar social accounts or blogs.
      – Write “link bait” posts that incentivize followers to give you retweets.
      – Try not to duplicate content in your posts word for word with your other social media or Twitter accounts.
      – Ensure your Twitter account is connected to your website properly (not for auto-posting, but for web user follows and shares).
      – Ensure you are writing a good proportion of original Tweets (not just retweets).
    All the above should help!