Copyright ©2025 · ZenFires Digital Marketing
If you list a lot of products on your website, don’t just drop in a short manufacturer description with their photo and wala! that’s a whole page on your website that’s supposed to re-sell product! In a physical retail store setting, you would place items on the shelf, display them a certain way, move them around the store to sell better, put some in the window, promote some in sales, etc. So don’t expect a product to sell if you did nothing more than hook it up to search results within your website! Some original content is vital. It’s necessary for search engines, but it also endears the reader to the product and your business and website overall!
Think of how much information big retail websites have per individual product, like Amazon and eBay. We all know the more information available there the better the likelihood of a sale.
For smaller websites you have the case for a personal touch – show the website visitor that you are selling this product for a specific reason, you vouch for it, you believe in it. The web makes all of this easy – and the search engines require more content for a page to come up in search results. So spend an extra minute strategizing for additional descriptions to help the product come up in Google and make viewers want to buy it!
Jake Aull, Zen Fires Digital Marketing
Copyright ©2025 · ZenFires Digital Marketing