How to Write SEO-Friendly Website URLs

    A common question in SEO is how to apply keywords to specific website section URLs and sub-page-level URLs. There are some parameters. Therefore, for SEO-friendly URLs, here are some tips to keep in mind:
    • Total URL should be less than 65 characters (100 characters at absolute max).
    • Use lower-case only URLs (for server, platform and development database issues).
    • Don’t use complex punctuation or characters (other than hyphens or underscore lines).
    • Keywords should be changed up to avoid Google suspicion of keyword stuffing or over-saturation or keyword duplication.
    • Each individual page should have its own, different, target, primary keyword phrase.
    • That phrase ideally is expressed within the URL, headline, a couple of times within body copy on page (and other SEO triggers).
    • In the URLs, stop words should be avoided (such as “and,” “for,” “from,” “with,” etc.).
    • Duplicate phrases may be unavoidable in some cases, i.e., there are only so many different ways you can say ‘small medicated bandages.’ It’s okay. We try our best – so write naturally. If it’s unnatural to differentiate the phrase any other ways, don’t worry about it. Google likes natural writing.
    • That said, we do look for alternatives to the words. So medicated can = ‘RX’ or ‘healing.’ ‘Bandages’ can equal ‘covering’ or ‘band-aids.’ Google likes similarity and industry relevance – just not constant duplication (particularly with paragraphs).
    • Also phrases can be re-mixed or reversed; i.e.,   and:
    • The fewer folders and subdomains, the better.
    • It’s better not to duplicate keywords within the same URL – for example between the folder and sub-page. For example its better not to have:
    • Google will associate industry keywords with each other correctly. In other words, “wrap” means something outside of bandages. But on a website for bandages, the word “wrap” is interpreted correctly due to context. Same thing for the word “healing.”

    And there it is – recommendations for SEO-friendly URLs. Happy optimizing!
    – Jake Aull, Zen Fires Search Engine Marketing