Copyright ©2025 · ZenFires Digital Marketing
Did you know that social media can be used to display brand or product valuable photos and help achieve GoogleImages and BingImages search results? We all know that most of the time, product images can be “shared” to social sites from their website sources. In which case, the SEO tactics apply (as social media optimization or SMO). Additionally, the product descriptions and keywords can also be used as social media descriptions and tags – but as in all cases, the ideal is to vary the text and tags slightly in applications. In other words, if you are sharing your product photos from your website to social media, vary associated text and keyword phrases. Overall, social media helps SEO (via SMO) and it’s worth encouraging its usage for product image and info shares. To research your brand or product images, you can identify how frequently keywords (such as “Sears ladder”) have been used in a channel like Pinterest by entering this command in the regular search field:
site: “keyword”
Thanks for reading,
Jake Aull, Zen Fires Digital Marketing
Copyright ©2025 · ZenFires Digital Marketing