Copyright ©2025 · ZenFires Digital Marketing
I recently had a client ask me about the viability of some third-party digital marketing automation software. I went to the website to read more about it, and the first thing it says is to “abandon your website & your email software,” etc. Usually when services say things like that it’s a big red flag because all of that data & content has to reside somewhere – & when 3rd party services, software or vendors say “we take care of all that for you” then usually it’s a problem – it means you give up your data, your ownership, your access, your content. And when you’re tired of the service it’s a real struggle to get it all back for your new objectives. Kind of like in traditional marketing or advertising giving up your total marketing mix just to let the Yellow Pages book own all your advertising. The silver bullet rarely exists. It’s more work to manage all your digital marketing mix services (or have a firm do it for you), but it’s worth it rather than giving way to total automation.
Thanks for reading,
Jake Aull, ZenFires Digital Marketing
Copyright ©2025 · ZenFires Digital Marketing