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This Thursday I will be speaking in a panel at a SCAD Alumni Atlanta Chapter event on “Social Media and Self Marketing.” There’s a lot of potential in these topics (from one-to-one marketing and the “prosumer” to Web 2.0 technology capabilities) but here are some basics for discussion…
Read More...The buzz continues for social media – and doubtless you’ve seen mind-boggling metrics thrown out on the size and popularity of such channels. But what are some good basics – tangible social media KPI metrics you can take to the bank?
Read More...So I’ve been reading Chris Brogan’s and Julien Smith’s Trust Agents: Using the Web to Build Influence, Improve Reputation, and Earn Trust. I personally find the book more geared toward the social media novice and consequently prefer Wikinomics and Groundswell for books on Web 2.0 marketing philosophy. That said, there are a few good nuggets in Trust Agents…
Read More...The concept of “social netiquette” essentially focuses on appropriate behavior and social practices online, especially now in social networking software. I’ve surmised some major, recurring (and somewhat obvious) recommendations…
Read More...Copyright ©2025 · ZenFires Digital Marketing