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So I’ve been reading Chris Brogan’s and Julien Smith’s Trust Agents: Using the Web to Build Influence, Improve Reputation, and Earn Trust. I personally find the book more geared toward the social media novice and consequently prefer Wikinomics and Groundswell for books on Web 2.0 marketing philosophy. That said, there are a few good nuggets in Trust Agents…
Read More...I’ve caught a lot of buzz lately about search engines and local search marketing advances. The technology enablers for local search have really been growth in GPS and mobile. And the marketing benefits look great – especially for local brick-and-mortar retail…
Read More...It’s truly amazing how many possibilities exist in Web analytics – and how the approaches and the technology behind them continuously grow. In fact, determining the best, baseline metrics for a site can be a daunting deliberation…
Read More...Everybody seems to know a part-time Web designer or a graphic design hobbyist. And these days, companies’ public crowdsourcing promotional contests are increasing. They’re cheap for the company, who receives a lot of ideas, and the contest itself can create marketing buzz. Of course this industry practice is tough on design and advertising professionals…
Read More...Online consumer behavior and personal information are obvious hot topics in marketing today. Interestingly, I read a lot about advertising possibilities to seek out and connect with specific consumer profiles. But how are marketers enabling customers to cut through the clutter and find what they’re really looking for online?
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