Copyright ©2025 · ZenFires Digital Marketing
Internet research. Competitive analysis. Project management. SEO. Social networking. Content collaboration and sharing. ..
These are essentials for digital marketing today – and interestingly because of today’s freemium internet business models, there are more and more great free tools available to do these functions! Intrigued? Please spread the word and come hear me speak on these Tuesday July 12 11:30am at the Atlanta Fish Market…
When people ask what I do, and I mention I teach Social Media Marketing and SEO at GSU, the invariable response is, “How can you keep up; it must change daily!” And interestingly, this very response bellies my view that the common problem with social media marketing today is a focus on tactical changing features and technologies instead of more long-term strategies and primary marketing objectives.
Read More...I have a philosophy that’s fairly simple – it’s that sooner or later, marketing tactics (both off- and online) drive to a website or landing page (or increasingly a Facebook page). Of course it fits consumer behavior as products and brands are increasingly researched in preferred online environments (important to note that Facebook is the number one site for time spent online, surpassing Google). So the idea is just to fully realize all this upfront and plan for it…
Read More...Let’s say you’re an SMB (small-medium business) wanting to measure keyword demand; or, what types of content achieve the most online searches in your market. Oh – and you want it for free… Well, let’s try it…
Read More...There’s a lot of buzz today regarding local search; and why not? When customers are Google searching for local services, or searching Yelp on mobile for locations, companies want to be there in the results. Likewise, with the growth of smart phone usage, companies want to be on mobile in general. But from a broad, overarching perspective, just being on mobile may not be as difficult as feared…
Read More...Copyright ©2025 · ZenFires Digital Marketing