Copyright ©2025 · ZenFires Digital Marketing
“The Ultimate Question” in marketing, also called the Net Promoter Score, is often stated as “How likely are you to refer this brand to someone else?” Directed at customers, that indeed is a great question to ask and focus on for brands. From that simple question, marketers can measure how well a brand is doing
Read More...When I was a kid I was ball boy for a high school football team. I enjoyed it. Part of why I enjoyed it was because my mother, who forbade sugar, wasn’t around, and halftimes I could get a candy bar and soda. Because candy bars were rare in my life, my first time at
Read More...I hope to clearly introduce here a new concept – the “social trade.”
By now, we’ve all heard that what makes social media “different” are such elements as essential two-way dialogues, grassroots-driven growth and that whole “community” element… There have been books all about “social currency,” “social capital,” “digital exchange,” etc. – they have given us this “collaborative” outlook on social media. Not forgetting such essential lessons, I want to now focus back on the end consumer benefits – the “WiiFMs.”
Read More...Last night I was pleasantly surprised at the Atlanta Interactive Marketing Association ( Their events and discussions are always good, but I went in somewhat skeptical about a solo speaker representing traditional corporate America. Jeff Hayzlett, CMO of Eastman Kodak, turned out an enigmatic speaker with great message…
Read More...Consumer behavior today has been tested, pushed, analyzed to the ends. This is indicative of the economic times, and nowhere are such issues as prevelent as in retail – online and brick-and-mortar. As brand promotion and multi-sensory experience have fallen to price promotions, I can’t help but question the validity of short-term thinking…
Read More...Copyright ©2025 · ZenFires Digital Marketing