Social Media Marketing

    The Nature of Nurture Campaigns

    In the digital world of mid-2011, wading increasingly in Web 2.0 and mobile, how do more traditional approaches to web and email marketing apply? How to know what to throw out in yesterday’s trash and what to dust off for re-use? Mitch Myerson’s book, Mastering Online Marketing, is one of my preferred sources on the subject…


    Finally – A Measurement Plan for Social Media Marketing

    I was fortunate enough last week to be a panelist in a webinar on Social Media Analytics put on by The Experts Bench – enjoyed the discussion and was with some very knowledgeable co-speakers. A poignant topic – as so many like to think that social media ROI doesn’t exist, that it’s not measurable. About a quarter of the GSU Social Media Marketing and SEO course classes I teach are focused on web metrics and analytics. My primary tenants of social media measurement are as follows…


    Four Top Social Media Objectives & KPIs

    What’s social media strategy? And how can it truly be measured? – Major and common questions in the new frontier today. Luckily both these questions can and should be addressed simultaneously in upfront planning. If one knows what to do, social media can provide noticeable ROI thanks to alignment with strategic objectives and monitoring…


    A Semester in History…

    This week I teach my last class for Georgia State University’s first Social Media Marketing course, which I researched, wrote the syllabus for, and began teaching this January. I have to say it’s been great – much fun and a feeling of accomplishment – hopefully for my students as much as myself. I structured the class largely around team projects with new, actual social media channels promoting major brands as student “brand fans”…


    So… exactly what is Web 2.0 again?

    I feel we’ve become so wrapped up in “social media” that we forget the vital, driving philosophical and technological strategies behind them. As I plan my syllabus for my Georgia State University Spring 2011 course on Social Media Marketing, I want to ensure the undercurrents are acknowledged. So, here goes…