Copyright ©2025 · ZenFires Digital Marketing
There are some very simple (and some not-so-simple) marketing things medical clinics, offices, dentists, chiropractors and others can be doing to successfully grow their patient base. I’ve seen these over the years, and not enough practices execute. Here’s the list: Ask for reviews to your Google Reviews page. It’s that simple. Or Yelp. Or Facebook
Read More...Recently I was lucky enough to moderate a Panel Discussion for Atlanta Interactive Marketing Association on digital advertising looking forward for 2015: “Predictions for Paid: Search Engine Advertising in 2015.” There were questions raised to panelists representing PPC and overall paid placement content roles for Atlanta prominent agencies and corporate. This seems an especially awesome
Read More...When I was a kid I was ball boy for a high school football team. I enjoyed it. Part of why I enjoyed it was because my mother, who forbade sugar, wasn’t around, and halftimes I could get a candy bar and soda. Because candy bars were rare in my life, my first time at
Read More...Traditional products suddenly can have new audience identification thanks to none other than social networks. What I mean is that social media can form and gather specific audiences for product categories previously dismissed or miniscule. Example please? In the last 10 years I’ve noticed films entirely centered around “birding;” movies about people who birdwatch. I
Read More...Recently I’ve had clients asking me about the value of SEO and their online videos. Let’s say you’re talking about doing TV and radio ads, or even just a corporate explainer video. If you have a low-cost factor to produce those, you should of course promote to clients via YouTube videos and podcasts. But the
Read More...Copyright ©2025 · ZenFires Digital Marketing