Can Image Shares in Social Media help Website SEO?

    Social media image usage & social media optimization of images Did you know that social media can be used to display brand or product valuable photos and help achieve GoogleImages and BingImages search results? We all know that most of the time, product images can be “shared” to social sites from their website sources. In


    Small Business Approaches for AdWords

    Digital advertising isn’t clicked by every web user, but it still has its place. Certainly I encourage SEO work (for search engine results which are not the advertising listings; in other words, SEO achieves the listings in the middle of the Google Search Engine Results Page, and which are not marked “Ad”). But if you’re


    How to Write SEO-Friendly Website URLs

    A common question in SEO is how to apply keywords to specific website section URLs and sub-page-level URLs. There are some parameters. Therefore, for SEO-friendly URLs, here are some tips to keep in mind: • Total URL should be less than 65 characters (100 characters at absolute max). • Use lower-case only URLs (for server,


    SEO Backlinks; Help or Hurt Your Site?

    I’ve noticed more and more chatter recently surrounding backlinks; namely, clients requesting SEO backlinks to their websites. To back up, of course a decade ago the name of the game was ‘the more backlinks, the better for SEO.’ And so SEOs began buying what turned out to be spammy, or blackhat, backlinks in time. Which


    Managing Reviews, & Google’s New Directions

    A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to be moderator on a panel with the Atlanta Interactive Marketing Association Search Marketing SIG, of which I am chair, titled: Managing Reviews, & Google’s New Directions. Here are highlights from that panel discussion:   Today Google reviews are easier to post than before – because Google has