Copyright ©2025 · ZenFires Digital Marketing
Ever gotten into someone else’s car, thinking it should be easy to drive, only to be baffled and lost by the controls? I spent an entire day driving three different cars with about a two hour drive each. Not by choice, not by plan. One of our cars, the one I don’t drive, was noticeably
Read More...I recently had a client ask me how should videos be treated (technically) on a website? It’s a common question – regarding hosting, etc. The answer is that you really should upload your videos to YouTube and then embed them on your website as well that way. Why? 1). YouTube is the world’s second largest
Read More...My extreme thanks to SEMrush and all attendees for my webinar yesterday on SEO Link Strategies and anchor text! Great fun. I thought I’d cover some questions that were sent to me below: Q1) I missed the first 5 minutes of the webinar – can you let me know what you said about “the power
Read More...I’m looking forward to my webinar hosted by SEMrush, 10/28/14 2pm, on SEO Link Strategies, from my book WordPress SEO Success, Please RSVP and attend! Here’s some sample content I’ll cover: It sounds cumbersome, but plan links through every page and blog post of your site if possible. When you write up your sitemap, plan
Read More...When I was a kid I was ball boy for a high school football team. I enjoyed it. Part of why I enjoyed it was because my mother, who forbade sugar, wasn’t around, and halftimes I could get a candy bar and soda. Because candy bars were rare in my life, my first time at
Read More...Copyright ©2025 · ZenFires Digital Marketing