Copyright ©2025 · ZenFires Digital Marketing
The big growth in mobile marketing right now is apps. Top apps include Facebook and The point is for the app to be usefull; not a gimic or game (those see immediate usage drop-off after download). This new mobile era sees a shift from the old promotional marketing AAU approach, to a model of Need-Search-Retention (or engagement).
Read More...Let’s consider the debate between Metcalfe’s Law of network effects, versus Chris Anderson’s extreme-niche Long Tail Theory. These theories have been around for years, yet how to know which is best? Do marketers go where their targets are, or operate under the “if you build it they will come” model?
Read More...What’s the best way to create truly successful breakthrough promotions in this modern era of communications saturation? Most creative agencies and schools, from my observation, have focused on producing the most creative, and best technical executions, in standardized media platforms. So, there’s this old way, and then there’s a new way: What about applying creativity to invent new channels for one’s product? Such as the Honda Civic Musical Road project…
Read More...Pro-environmental initiatives have existed in the consumer public face for decades. Currently we see an unprecedented amount of buzz around new green trends in the marketplace and public consumption. Thing is – which will last?
Read More...So I’ve been reading about the latest pushes toward the Web 3.0 Semantic Web. There’s no real surprise here. But isn’t it scary? That is, the idea that online mega media channels could own and distribute or re-appropriate our own personal indicated preferences and stories?
Read More...Copyright ©2025 · ZenFires Digital Marketing