Copyright ©2025 · ZenFires Digital Marketing
Many don’t realize it but Google has been competing over the years with more then just search engines – it has been competing with Facebook…
Read More...I’ve had the pleasure in recent months of co-founding a series of workshops for the greater good; non-profits and social causes, taught hands-on digital marketing strategies for growth! The Change Challenge is this great Fall monthly series at GSU, and we’ve poured a lot into it to really help the non-profits and volunteers on board. In fact the first workshop is tomorrow morning and I’m currently having fun planning my lecture – on something sorely lacking in social media marketing today – objectives and strategic content alignment. So here’s a sneak peek…
Read More...On the one hand, marketers talk today about the noise noise noise and impossibility to break through it all for consumer attention. On the other hand today’s digital technologies allow for extreme micro-segmentation levels never before possible. Who’s right, who’s wrong?
Read More...When people ask what I do, and I mention I teach Social Media Marketing and SEO at GSU, the invariable response is, “How can you keep up; it must change daily!” And interestingly, this very response bellies my view that the common problem with social media marketing today is a focus on tactical changing features and technologies instead of more long-term strategies and primary marketing objectives.
Read More...This week I teach my last class for Georgia State University’s first Social Media Marketing course, which I researched, wrote the syllabus for, and began teaching this January. I have to say it’s been great – much fun and a feeling of accomplishment – hopefully for my students as much as myself. I structured the class largely around team projects with new, actual social media channels promoting major brands as student “brand fans”…
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