
    What Makes Up the Worlds of Web 2.0 & 3.0?

    You’ve heard the terms Web 2.0 & 3.0, but perhaps uncertain of exactly what they mean or what constitutes them? Here are some lists of technological inventions and components to attempt to clarify: Web 2.0 is the technological backbone and inception of the world of social media. It’s made up of: • Podcasts • Blogs


    Managing Reviews, & Google’s New Directions

    A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to be moderator on a panel with the Atlanta Interactive Marketing Association Search Marketing SIG, of which I am chair, titled: Managing Reviews, & Google’s New Directions. Here are highlights from that panel discussion:   Today Google reviews are easier to post than before – because Google has


    What Factors most help SEO?

    People often ask me what the biggest things that help SEO are. These are my observations at this point in time: Much content (optimized pages, a lot of SEO copy per page, blogs, videos – but even new/small websites need to be setup properly for search engine recognition) Lack of errors/spam (these days, spam bots


    Twitter & Google

    Many people know that Tweets come up in Google! Which can help your brand-name SEO and overall digital footprint. So, here’s direction that should help with getting your Twitter account to come up in Google:   – When you Tweet with links, use Twitter’s URL shortener instead of another.   – You should follow as


    On Press Releases & Google

    Something that has come up a lot in my world recently regarding SEO has been questions about whether or not Google likes company press releases. For example, the question & my answer below… The Question: I wanted to ask your opinion about using PR distribution for SEO purposes. I know that Google has cracked down