
    Kodak’s New Marketing Approaches

    Last night I was pleasantly surprised at the Atlanta Interactive Marketing Association ( Their events and discussions are always good, but I went in somewhat skeptical about a solo speaker representing traditional corporate America. Jeff Hayzlett, CMO of Eastman Kodak, turned out an enigmatic speaker with great message…


    Social Media in the Enterprise

    I’ve been enjoying the eBook Social Media Marketing GPS, written by Toby Bloomberg, a colleague of mine in the Atlanta Interactive Marketing Association. An intriguing format – the text is entirely pulled from her research interviews with social media experts in Twitter. What specifically intrigues me now are Toby’s thoughts regarding how “social media impacts the total enterprise.”


    New Life for Online Image Advertising

    Gone are the days of expensive AOL banner ads – today SEM text ads are reigning king (for ease of serve and reporting). Yet it’s difficult to think that image holds a weak place in the web world. While all doubt seems quelled regarding the need for company websites, it is the web “spokes” around these hubs that still require exploration…


    Branding – with Staying Power

    Consumer behavior today has been tested, pushed, analyzed to the ends. This is indicative of the economic times, and nowhere are such issues as prevelent as in retail – online and brick-and-mortar. As brand promotion and multi-sensory experience have fallen to price promotions, I can’t help but question the validity of short-term thinking…


    Retail Promotions Top-of-Mind

    It should come as no surprise that for retail in recent years, discount stores have been king. Two major drivers in retail business today include IT and logistics. However, opportunities may grow for retail emotional promotions and purchasing; 2010 trends grow with larger electronic, and interactive, signage in-store. Likewise, mobile in-store interaction becomes more popular…