
    Small Business Approaches for AdWords

    Digital advertising isn’t clicked by every web user, but it still has its place. Certainly I encourage SEO work (for search engine results which are not the advertising listings; in other words, SEO achieves the listings in the middle of the Google Search Engine Results Page, and which are not marked “Ad”). But if you’re


    Digital Advertising in 2015

    Recently I was lucky enough to moderate a Panel Discussion for Atlanta Interactive Marketing Association on digital advertising looking forward for 2015: “Predictions for Paid: Search Engine Advertising in 2015.” There were questions raised to panelists representing PPC and overall paid placement content roles for Atlanta prominent agencies and corporate. This seems an especially awesome


    Event on 2015 Trends in Digital Advertising

    I’m looking forward to heading up an AiMA panel discussion on January 22 in Atlanta on the topic of Predictions for Paid – Digital Advertising. Prominent speakers will shed great light on things to know for the new year in PPC and display ads. As Chair for the Atlanta Interactive Marketing Association Search Engine Marketing


    TV Show Web Marketing

    One of the challenges for web marketing of a TV show, is how much devotion do you put toward the show, versus how much to the network? And by the network, what often means cross-promoting other shows? (Not to mention cross-promoting other TV networks owned by the same broadcast entity or group). Specifically when discussing


    Going Local on the World Wide Web

    There’s a lot of buzz today regarding local search; and why not? When customers are Google searching for local services, or searching Yelp on mobile for locations, companies want to be there in the results. Likewise, with the growth of smart phone usage, companies want to be on mobile in general. But from a broad, overarching perspective, just being on mobile may not be as difficult as feared…