Copyright ©2025 · ZenFires Digital Marketing
You’ve heard the terms Web 2.0 & 3.0, but perhaps uncertain of exactly what they mean or what constitutes them? Here are some lists of technological inventions and components to attempt to clarify: Web 2.0 is the technological backbone and inception of the world of social media. It’s made up of: • Podcasts • Blogs
Read More...Want to get into digital marketing, but you’re not sure what role is best for you? Digital marketing today has many niches. So what to focus in where you’ll thrive? You have to identify what your brain is – is it more analytic, coding or creative? More talkative or focused? Here are some tips to consider:
Read More...There are some very simple (and some not-so-simple) marketing things medical clinics, offices, dentists, chiropractors and others can be doing to successfully grow their patient base. I’ve seen these over the years, and not enough practices execute. Here’s the list: Ask for reviews to your Google Reviews page. It’s that simple. Or Yelp. Or Facebook
Read More...Something that has come up a lot in my world recently regarding SEO has been questions about whether or not Google likes company press releases. For example, the question & my answer below… The Question: I wanted to ask your opinion about using PR distribution for SEO purposes. I know that Google has cracked down
Read More...Had a great time speaking (on my book WordPress SEO Success) at the Digital Marketing for Business conference in Raleigh! Most enjoyable was getting great insights from other speakers: Even though Wikipedia is great for web search results and visits (5th most visited site online), it is of course setup with noFollows meaning search engines
Read More...Copyright ©2025 · ZenFires Digital Marketing