Copyright ©2025 · ZenFires Digital Marketing
How does one build a technology product and organization within 24 hours? I was fortunate enough this past weekend to join in at Georgia Tech’s Advanced Technology Development Center for “Random Hacks of Kindness” (RHoK); a 24-hour event devoted to building web and mobile apps for non-profits and good causes. Although full of spirit and great fun, the event was very intensive with high output…
Read More...Over the years I’ve given web and branding advise to a number of companies, as well as having designed and built client websites. Lately, I’ve noticed a number of corporate sites to be, in my opinion, too-narrowly focused. These are sites which actually profess their own brand names well and use deep-niche, industry relevant terminology…
Read More...So many use social media today, but are unsure of the marketing applications. Marketing in the Web 2.0 era means creating a content distribution network or hub and spoke. The idea is simple – an online hub such as a website, blog or Facebook page – becomes the principle content and call-to-action for a brand offering…
Read More...Last night I attended the AiMA (Atlanta Interactive Marketing Association) meeting on search marketing. Here are key takeaways…
Read More...For the most fruitful web analytics, I recommend identifying website measurement strategies for both brand awareness and sales-lead development (with conversion and retention). For growth in brand awareness, of course certain metrics can be very revealing, such as change in quantity of first-time unique visitors…
Read More...Copyright ©2025 · ZenFires Digital Marketing