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I am currently planning my syllabus to teach Georgia State University’s Social Media Marketing course (Spring 2011), and am gathering expert sources on the subject. I am also going back, re-reading several-year-old viral marketing articles. These sources are also humorous to read, appearing antiquated in such short time. Take this excerpt from 2004…
Read More...I am lucky enough to be coordinating and moderating a panel discussion lunch-n-learn on Social Media Best Practices, through the Atlanta Interactive Marketing Association, Thursday Oct. 21 (so please spread the word, and come! The focus will be marketing approaches in the big 3: Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. But here’s a special preview; a giveaway in advance on social media marketing basics…
Read More...At last – social media seems to dawn on corporate America as critical mass adoption rather than a passing trend. But the ongoing questions remain: how to measure social media marketing impact, how to attach value to social media?
Read More...I’ve been enjoying the eBook Social Media Marketing GPS, written by Toby Bloomberg, a colleague of mine in the Atlanta Interactive Marketing Association. An intriguing format – the text is entirely pulled from her research interviews with social media experts in Twitter. What specifically intrigues me now are Toby’s thoughts regarding how “social media impacts the total enterprise.”
Read More...Here are my takeaways of Sean Nelson’s well-structured thoughts on LinkedIn strategic communications: All of us in LinkedIn, whether we know it or not, are operating under a strategy. The better we understand this point, the more we can use our LinkedIn communications to our advantage…
Read More...Copyright ©2025 · ZenFires Digital Marketing