Copyright ©2025 · ZenFires Digital Marketing
I recently had a client ask me about the viability of some third-party digital marketing automation software. I went to the website to read more about it, and the first thing it says is to “abandon your website & your email software,” etc. Usually when services say things like that it’s a big red flag
Read More...What model makes sense for eCommerce? Do you really want to go into it? Do people really want to buy what they can’t touch & feel first? All good questions. Here are some strategic answers for eCommerce models: We often think about digital marketing as the means to promote traditional products and services for traditional
Read More...A question I often get asked is from companies who think they need multiple websites as opposed to one for branding and SEO effectiveness. One site. That’s the answer. Plain and simple. Let me tell you why – Google likes a mansion rather than a shack. Why do you think Wikipedia comes up when you
Read More...Had a great time speaking (on my book WordPress SEO Success) at the Digital Marketing for Business conference in Raleigh! Most enjoyable was getting great insights from other speakers: Even though Wikipedia is great for web search results and visits (5th most visited site online), it is of course setup with noFollows meaning search engines
Read More...One of the challenges for web marketing of a TV show, is how much devotion do you put toward the show, versus how much to the network? And by the network, what often means cross-promoting other shows? (Not to mention cross-promoting other TV networks owned by the same broadcast entity or group). Specifically when discussing
Read More...Copyright ©2025 · ZenFires Digital Marketing