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    Social Media Meet Logistics? has really surprised me lately with an apparent emerging theme: online social networking meets transportation. You could have immediately available, in your facebook and twitter pages, info about your package shipments, flights and train arrivals and departures, taxi cabs and availability…


    Apparently its easy now to sell your knowledge online

    In case you haven’t heard, it seems many people are trying to find the best way to sell information or content on the Web. Which is difficult, so long as…


    Do Whatever You Want – Because the Web Told You To…

    The future is wide open – we’re moving toward an era unprecedented on the Web – scary and empowering at the same time… Web sites are growing their abilities to serve specific advertising and content catered to the viewer’s interests – the Semantic Web.


    Everyone Talks SEO; What are Simple Truths?

    It seems every marketer and Web strategist has a different opinion about what to focus on in SEO. A recent article wisely purports the need to choose specific keyword phrases for your site which are actually searched for on the Web. Likewise, test your competition’s search rankings on your desired keywords…


    A 90/10 Rule for Web Marketing?

    We’ve all heard of the 80/20 rule, applied to myriad business outlooks. Interesting thing is, I continually encounter even more extreme percentage break-downs in studies and articles on Web marketing. Take for example the Apple/AT&T iPhone first product launch…