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    Total Digital Marketing Automation Sites: Worth It?

    I recently had a client ask me about the viability of some third-party digital marketing automation software. I went to the website to read more about it, and the first thing it says is to “abandon your website & your email software,” etc. Usually when services say things like that it’s a big red flag


    Networking across generational gaps

    It has occurred to me that in today’s tech world, there are many people my age (Gen. X) or older trying to navigate the tech business world & get jobs or business surrounded by younger workers. In all comparisons, to be realistic, there are pros & cons. So to be clear this blog post is


    About Mobile SEO

    Curious about mobile search engine optimization? Here’s a summary: Google and the web in general are migrating to a “mobile first” emphasis. Of course more web users are on mobile today (& have been) than on desktop, but Google has taken longer to fully focus its primary emphasis on mobile search over desktop. Regardless, SEOs


    Social Media: Good or Bad for Society?

    These days we’re seeing more and more about the use of social media. Is it that bad? What were the positives again? For example – I’ve certainly read, like many people, about how Facebook causes insecurity by individuals seeing often only the positive highlights of other peoples’ lives & attempting to compare themselves to the


    Marketing ideas for health provider clinics or salons

    What can providers such as doctors, dentists, message therapists, chiropractors or even hair stylists do to grow business via marketing and other strategies? Here are some tips I’ve picked up serving these industries over the years: Try out a loss leader strategy that keeps customers coming back. My eye doctor gives away very small tubes