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    Thinking about wearable tech

    What seems good for business strategy for wearable tech (SmartWatches, SmartClothes, etc.), is to focus more on usage than marketing aspects such as promotional awareness. What makes wearables different than iPhone and iPad is that wearables can be perceived as more utilitarian in consumption; particularly around health usage (e.g., measuring heart rate or pulse; tracking


    Websites with Error Pages Results in Google

    As part of my search engine marketing practice, when we talk to a new prospect, we do some digital analysis on the quality of their websites and search engine responsiveness before we provide a proposal. More and more these days I’m seeing websites with numerous errors, problems – and a great many of non-existent or


    Can Image Shares in Social Media help Website SEO?

    Social media image usage & social media optimization of images Did you know that social media can be used to display brand or product valuable photos and help achieve GoogleImages and BingImages search results? We all know that most of the time, product images can be “shared” to social sites from their website sources. In


    Branding Yourself: What Car Are You?

    Branding yourself as a consultant or business is an instrumental practice today. There are different ways to ask the question and look at the options. There are many different models and questions to ask to get to your own elevator pitch statement, mission/vision statements, brand projection, etc. But we all like to fantasize about what


    Small Business Approaches for AdWords

    Digital advertising isn’t clicked by every web user, but it still has its place. Certainly I encourage SEO work (for search engine results which are not the advertising listings; in other words, SEO achieves the listings in the middle of the Google Search Engine Results Page, and which are not marked “Ad”). But if you’re