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“The Ultimate Question” in marketing, also called the Net Promoter Score, is often stated as “How likely are you to refer this brand to someone else?” Directed at customers, that indeed is a great question to ask and focus on for brands. From that simple question, marketers can measure how well a brand is doing
Read More...The underlying trick to business, that’s easy to say but also too easily forgotten, is to: 1. Find out what people want, then: 2. Become that. Yes, salesmanship and marketing are involved, but eventually word-of-mouth will take over as well if you’ve #1 and #2 correctly. The #3. Is getting that word out there. Telling
Read More...I’m looking forward to heading up an AiMA panel discussion on January 22 in Atlanta on the topic of Predictions for Paid – Digital Advertising. Prominent speakers will shed great light on things to know for the new year in PPC and display ads. As Chair for the Atlanta Interactive Marketing Association Search Engine Marketing
Read More...When I was a kid I was ball boy for a high school football team. I enjoyed it. Part of why I enjoyed it was because my mother, who forbade sugar, wasn’t around, and halftimes I could get a candy bar and soda. Because candy bars were rare in my life, my first time at
Read More...What the heck is gamification? A little in the dark? That word not in your daily vocab? Here are some tips:
Read More...Copyright ©2025 · ZenFires Digital Marketing