On Press Releases & Google

    Something that has come up a lot in my world recently regarding SEO has been questions about whether or not Google likes company press releases. For example, the question & my answer below… The Question: I wanted to ask your opinion about using PR distribution for SEO purposes. I know that Google has cracked down


    New Domain vs. Old Domain

    I’m getting SEO questions and project requests a lot lately on one theme. Here’s the question: So let’s say a company owns two domain names – A and B. The existing company site is on domain A and has good long-term google organic indexes, traffic, etc. But the company has changed brand names and is


    Some SEO Tips for eCommerce

    eCommerce sites can be heavily dependent on, and yet problematic for, SEO. Why, and what are good tips for solutions? The DB eCommerce sites are heavily dependent on databases. Yet Google prefers its content straight-up without iframes, barriers, feeds, etc. Yet for eCommerce, the DB is king. So the question is, what about your database


    SEO Strategy & Thoughts

    It’s always good to review the philosophies you garner for the work and processes you execute in business services. For the start of a new year, here are some of mine, based on SEO questions people frequently ask me: •   I believe that, for most small/mid websites, the SEO heavy lifting works best at the


    My SEMrush Webinar Completed

    My extreme thanks to SEMrush and all attendees for my webinar yesterday on SEO Link Strategies and anchor text! Great fun. I thought I’d cover some questions that were sent to me below: Q1)      I missed the first 5 minutes of the webinar – can you let me know what you said about “the power